Welcome to Fundamental Baptist World-Wide Mission A Servant To The Local Church

History Believing in God’s Word and Spirit

FBWWM was founded in 1985 by Dr. Ernest Gambrell. The belief that God gave the responsibility of carrying out the Great Commission to the Local Church was and continues to be the founding principle. FBWWM was founded under the authority of a local church and continues to function in that capacity today as a ministry of East Side Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee. Our primary Biblical function is spelled out in our theme…A Servant to the Local Church.

What We Offer Molding believers, influencing the world

Through the services of FBWWM missionaries receive a great number of benefits and helps.  However, the primary purpose of FBWWM is to assist pastors and local churches as they send members of their congregations to missions fields around the world.  FBWWM becomes an extension office of the sending church and its pastor.  We handle the financial accounts of each missionary.  Assistance is offered in obtaining visas and other vital government documents.

Training is offered through our Annual Institute of Missions (AIM).  The candidate is well-orientated in many vital areas including the ministry of deputation, field preparation, language and culture studies, church planting, interpersonal relationships and many other related areas.  The FBWWM office staff has over 100 years of combined experience on various mission fields.

The Local Church A Servant To You

At all times, the missionary family is under the direct leadership of their sending church and pastor.  The sending church and pastor are the first and final authority under God in the life and ministry of the missionary family.  We count it an honor to serve pastors and local churches as they do the work of fulfilling our Lord’s Great Commission.

Beliefs Where We Stand

  1. We believe that the local church is the only organization that has scriptural authority to send out missionaries. This Mission always honors the sending pastor and sending church. Any missionary sent through this Mission remains under the leadership and under the authority of the missionary’s sending pastor and church. We are a service agency to assist the pastor and church in meeting the need of their missionary. We strive diligently to honor the pastor and to always remain a servant.
  2. We believe that the local church is the agency to which God committed the Great Commission. It is the privilege and responsibility of the local church to see that the Gospel is preached to every creature in every country. Fundamental Baptist World-Wide Mission is a local church ministry. It operates under the authority of the East Side Baptist Church located at 3232 Covington Pike, Memphis, Tennessee.
  3. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Administrator of world missionaries. All missionaries serving through Fundamental Baptist World-Wide Mission are free to follow the leadership of the Holy spirit in every aspect of their ministry. This includes on which field they will serve, decisions in directing their work, when it is time to leave, and in any other decision relative to their work. As long a missionary abides by sound Bible doctrine, uses Bible principles, stays morally clean, and stays busy, he will never hear from this Mission’s leadership.
  4. We believe that we are to live by faith. Fundamental Baptist World-Wide Mission is a “faith” ministry. We expect missionaries to trust God to meet their financial needs. We believe that it would be wrong for the Mission not to operate by the same principle. We do not charge a missionary in any way for the services offered by the Mission. We do not have any system, of any kind, that makes deductions from funds designated to missionaries. Many of our missionaries do support the Home Office. However, some support the Home Office out of appreciation, love, and a desire to have a part in the ministry of the office. Our office is supported by local churches.

Meet Our Staff

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Harry Peart
General Director

Harry Peart – General Director

Ernest Gambrell

Dr. Ernest Gambrell

Dr. Ernest Gambrell is most grateful in life for “the opportunity and privilege to serve the Lord in World Missions” since 1968.

Keith Rheinheimer

Keith Rheinheimer
Vice President

Keith is the Vice President of Operations and the Director of Spanish Ministries faithfully serving since 1988.

Pat Gordon FBWWM

Dr. Patrick Gordon
Vice President

Dr. Patrick Gordon is the VP of Development and Recruitment. He and Greta have been serving the Lord in Missions since 1991.

Leslie Rheinheimer

Leslie Rheinheimer

Leslie is the office bookkeeper since 2003 and faithfully serving in missions since 1988.


Finley Cutshaw

Pastor of East Side Baptist Church, our home church. They have been a huge help in supporting missions around the world.


Jeff Futrell
Business Manager

Jeff Futrell has been the Business Manager for FBWWM since the beginning of the mission in 1985.